Eileen | Howick

Oh, it’s a long time. I met my husband one day, and then he told me that he was going, he was in the Navy, and he was taking off for a year.

We never changed addresses or anything, and then he came back, and he sat with my friends, and he came and sat at the side of me, and I kept thinking, who is it? He kept putting his arm around me, and I’m going, who is it?  

Anyway, all his friends were laughing, so I went over and I asked them, and they said, do you not know? I said, no! They said, well we’re not telling you. And, as I’m walking back, I realised who he was, and I sat down, and he said, you know who I am now, don’t you? I said, yes.

I’d only met him for one night, and he came back, and I think eight months after we got married, and we’ve had five children. I’ve got 15 grandchildren, and 15 great-grandchildren. My husband passed away 17 years ago, but I still think a lot of him, and that’s my story.

You have to have that feeling inside (of love). You have to have that feeling inside when you touch somebody, or I do that with my grandchildren, and my great-grandchildren. When I touch them, I feel that well, and it’s a feeling you get, yeah.

I grew up in England in a village. I’ve never lived in a city or anything like that, and I had a good life. We had a good life, but I was born when the war started. I was seven years old by the time it had finished. We’ve always had a good time. We didn’t have what they’ve got today. We had to make our own fun. We had to make our own sport, and everything else, and that’s it.”

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